Win Your Favorite Top Shelf Cookies!



If you get our newsletter, you may have seen that we are having a little contest where you can win a dozen of your favorite Top Shelf Cookies this month!

Even when I was making cookies at home for friends, I would hear about how people would be hiding the cookies.

"I hid your cookies from my baby"

"Let me hide this before my husband gets home"

It always amuses me.  I've heard greats stories about who they get hidden from and where!  

So, share your hiding spots with us.  Take a pic of where you hide your Top Shelf Cookies and tag us on Instagram (@topshelfcookies) and use the hashtag #besthiddenfromtherest 

Want to share anonymously - email the pic and your caption to and we'll change the names to protect the innocent.

Our favorite hiding spot will get a dozen of the hiders favorite Top Shelf Cookies.

Our friend Natalie she bought #ADozenforDenna (thanks Natalie!) and initially shared with her roommates.  Eventually they came sniffing for more.  She had to act quickly if she was to preserve the rest of her Black & Gold cookies.  Nestled behind the breadcrumbs and protected by a rice bunker....she hid her Black & Gold cookies from her roommates!

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